Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lessons from the dinosaur (now in a convenient Bible study method format)

On a slow news cycle, we can always pop in a story about our friend the dinosaur, and what we can learn from them. Here is what I just read:

"In families of some of the most vicious and carnivorous dinosaurs, dad took care of the developing eggs, possibly laid by more than one mom, a new study suggests. Evidence for dino daddy daycare and potential polygamy comes from the fossilized remains of three dinosaurs sitting on nests. In the animal kingdom polygamy is common."

Notice the 3 dinos fossilized while sitting on the eggs. Does it surprise anyone that men would fall asleep and die while doing childcare? My wife would say that is a common trait of all males while watching children, proving some theory of evolution.

Imagine being so sleepy that when the mudslide or lava flow came, you didn't budge. But this is how boring childcare is for men. So BOOM, millions of years later, you're a social science icon. I think they got fooled into watching Barney, which always put me to sleep in about 5 seconds. (But I heard the US military blared the Barney theme song for hours to break terrorists. Genius. Who needs waterboarding, Barney will make any grown man cry for momma.)

Also, like men today, no self respecting dino would do childcare alone. That idea would have been laughed off immediately.

Dads, don't do child care, certainly not baby care, and definitely not any egg care. You will get fossilized. And people will say you were probaby a polygamist too, when it was just helping out at a CCC conference, or the neighbors.

And don't fall for this line - "Hey honey, why don't you invite your friends over, it will be more fun for you." Nope, you'll still die, only all together. Which is still no fun in my book. Don't take your friends down with you like this.

Big Finish
Don't be duped by childcare offers, or enticed by polygamy. Stay away from both.
Let's not forget, despite how fascinating they are, dinosaurs are still extinct. This kind of behavior will kill you and eventually all of us.

You've been warned.


Matt Mikalatos said...


Andy McCullough said...

I read the same story but came to a different conclusion altogether. I read it not that the daddy dinos died of boredom but that the little kid dinosaurs died because of neglect. You know, the daddy dinos were playing poker or something and totally forgot about the kids. The mom coems back from shopping and asks "where the kids?" "what? We have kids?"

Just goes to show you that I need help exegeting the passage.

Anonymous said...

well duped duds i just hate this word.