Sunday, May 6, 2007


Okay, this really happened last week at church, and it just cracks me up. It was seriously explained that we were mostly done with using the video screens at the front for woship music, and it was back to using the hymn books. This would of course be much better for all of us.

Reasons: 1. It was good to follow the notes in the books, even if we didn't read music. 2. Holding hymn books provided a tactile experience- thus enhancing my worship - more than just seeing the words on the screens in front of us. 3. Holding a hymn book with someone you don't know can help build relationships. Ah, the joy of meeting someone next to you who can't find a note if their life depended on it.

This seemed like quite the apologetic for hymn books. Today I thought about developing a "scratch and sniff" hymn book increasing the worship expeirence through smell as well as touch. We could buy fewer of them, thus forcing three to four people to sing, touch, and smell their way through worship together, and saving the budget hundreds, maybe thousands. Count me in.


Matt Mikalatos said...

Your post has really made me think.

I am going to stop blogging and start writing hymn books.

Karen said...

That'd be enough to make me change churches. Sure you don't want to come to Northland?