I just love Pillsbury's Grands with Cinnabon icing. In 20 minutes, with a cup of coffee, eating one of these can put you on another planet. Wow. This is why God created grocery stores and processed food.
You may have already guessed from the first line, I've made no New Year Resolutions. No promises to be a better Bible reading-in shape-financially astute-time organized-tough and tender dad/husband/leader Christian servant. No "one more lap for Christ" vows coming from me in 2008. Perhaps one more cinnamon roll for Christ, if there is such a thing.
It's not that I think dedication and commitment are bad. They have their place in long list of good stuff to have. But I want my focus to be more about connecting...with Christ, my friends, colleagues, and those I just meet each day, not accomplishing more or getting "better". To just be aware and listening to what God is saying to me, and see where that takes me. With or without cinammon rolls. Preferably with.
Being a goal setter by nature, I'm sure I'll make some plans for the year. While I love spontaneity, I don't do well with total randomness. I swallowed one big heapin' spoonful of "strategic" sometime in my life and I'll spend the rest of my life digesting it. But I hope (resolve? hmmm, whatever) those goals will be more like compass headings than a tape to break at the end of the year. And "due north" would seem to be connecting with Jesus. Anything else and eventually, I will end up off track and lost.
Wow. Not sure what you thought about the wildly popular book Blue Like Jazz, but as I read through your website/blog I have to believe you and your readers/students would enjoy the new book: Brown Like Coffee. I found it at brownlikecoffee.com
I would love for you to read it and review/critique here on your site. Thanks
Sounds interesting. I'll check it out.
There's nothing better than being with God, His word, a cup of coffee and a cinnabon.
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