For those who frequent The Global Road, you know "Scraps" is a regular feature. Well, actually I've done this one other time. So I guess you could say that today it becomes a regular feature. These are mostly random comments that haven't showed up anwhere else.
Only one more week until Cm2007. Last night as Kim and I took the Beagle on yet another power walk through the neighborhood, it was exciting to imagine what the week together in Korea will be like.
Of course, there have been the usual "things you don't plan for" as we get ready to leave, like fixing our kitchen sink. But Sam Osterloh, resident National Team member, Bible teacher, overall good guy, and turns out, plumber, came over and saved the day. At least it wasn't a tree falling on our house, like what happened to our friends Doug and Denise, 2 days before they left for the Global Project to Paris. I thought it worthy to show the completed sink project, a symbol of crisis averted.

Speaking of Sam, his daughter Allie bailed me out by doing some quick graphics work on the template for the CM2007 pledge. Props to Allie.
I read this morning about 200,000 who gathered for 2 days in the mud at Glastonbury, England, for the annual rock festival. I thought of 15,000 of us in Korea living in tents, slogging through the mud. That would have been exciting.
Latest youtube video circulating has
squirming octupus on a plate as the main delicacy in Busan. Bon appetit.