Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A New Campus Every Day

What if every day in the next year, a spiritual movement of Jesus followers was established on a new campus somewhere in the world? Where none existed before. Or where there were previously only a small band of Christians who are now focused with a new hope and vision for impact. That's one of the tangible goals of CM2007.

You can get online now at cmfile.com and see a list of every campus in the world (or 99% of them.) You can also see the work in progress we call a "Priority List" of campuses. You can find the website of most any campus, and learn all about it for yourself. (I pulled the banner above off the site from Meiji University in Tokyo.) We want to trust God to see student movements that are sending dynamic followers of Jesus into every part of the campus and ultimately, throughout a nation. Why not pick one and make it YOUR priority?

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