Like much in my life, this feels a little like jumping off a cliff without a parachute, but has few of the potential nasty side effects of failure. Maybe some emotional, but oh well. Some of those folks end up as heroes on American Idol. Others just end up angry.
I have a small goal: to inspire anyone interested in bringing the reality of Jesus to the students of the world. I think they are (and have been for a really long time) the most significant single group of people on the planet. So, if you are a student or someone who cares deeply about them, and the impact they have for Jesus Christ, we need to talk to each other.
I graduated from Southwest Missouri State a long time ago. Recently it lost its geographical destination, and now its just
Missouri State University. But there is a girl who goes to school there now,
Amy, who wanted serve Christ in Uganda last summer by helping kids in an orphanage. So, she set the whole thing up on her own, invited three of her friends to go with her, and raised $11,000 from 60 churches and $9,000
from students (that's interesting) and
she's going back again this summer to do the same plus bring the gospel to university students in Kampala. Is this not amazing? I think it should be more normal.
For some reason I find this far more interesting than knowing that Brittany has shaved her head and had to go in rehab, or that Anna Nicole finally got buried somewhere. I want the world to know about thousands of Amy's out there changing the world, one life, one decision at a time.
I think Amy had to jump, to believe that God would show up and catch her in the free fall moments. You don't get to Uganda by figuring it all out first. We all need to jump more.