Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Al Qaida loves the internet

I'm so new at this, I just wrote it and then before I could post it I lost it and I'm redoing it, so here is what I said in so many words...

I got home on Sunday night from a conference. I'd been gone for a week and was dog tired, and sat down on the couch. While flipping through the channels, I ran across a segment on "60 Minutes". It was about Al Qaida on the internet. Do you know there are 5,000 internet sites that are designed to educate and motivate young muslims to be terrorists and martyrs? Then I fell asleep.

Every day in Iraq and Afghanistan 17 year old boys are captured or killed who've been recruited online. The head of US Counter Intelligence says the biggest weapon in the Jihad is the internet. They are showing up from everywhere. There is a "Myspace" type site for radical muslim istruction with chat rooms and message boards. They showed it live and 17,869 were online. (I missed all that while sleeping so I had to go online and review it on CBSnews.com)

That these kids can be so easily duped makes me mad. I wonder how deep their deception and disillusionment must be. Sad. I also wonder what Christian students are doing online. Troubling. Are their conversations leading each other toward the One worth living for? Living a radical life with Jesus, plotting how to love others to the Savior? I hope so.

This was pretty serious for a second post.


Matt Mikalatos said...

Dear Mr. Blogalo:

I see that you are setting the bar high by blogging every day. Good job! Keep it up. I am putting a link to your site on my site, because that's the kind of guy that I am.

Unknown said...

Big Wheel... Al Qaida is on the internet because they are a 'starfish' also why we will never win the war on terror with our 'spiderlike' tactics.... Also we (wsn/ccc) will never plant mvts everywhere until we become more starfishlike. I was gonna say this at verticals but starfish and spider became synonymous with scoff. You and your readers are probably scoffing now.

Global Road said...

Andy, you are right. I've decided to scoff Spider and Starfish because it is now quoted more often than Lord of the Rings to support stuff. No one has yet brought up that the starfish cannot survive on dry land like the spider...